SuperPitch: What’s Your Superpower? REPLAY

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If you missed the live class, don't worry! The replay is available until July 30th, 2021. How to define and share the powerful value proposition for your customers and investors. Customers only buy when they see real value. Investors only invest when they see that value and how they can profit. When crafting a pitch […]


SuperPitch: Telling Your Fantastic Tale! REPLAY

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If you missed the live class, don't worry! The replay is available until July 30th, 2021. Structuring your pitch for maximum impact and effect. In order to buy what you’re offering a prospective customer must understand what you do and how you do it. Before an investor will support you they need to know what […]


SuperPitch: Putting the Punch in Your Pitch! REPLAY

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If you missed the live class, don't worry! The replay is available until July 30th, 2021. Delivery techniques to engage an audience and get them to act. When you pitch, HOW you pitch is as important as the information you share. If your audience isn’t engaged with your story you’re totally wasting your breath. Regardless […]

